Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Health Care Primer

If you care at all about health care reform in America but can't quite grasp the complexity of all the issues, a great place to educate yourself is with two recent episodes of This American Life. First check out this episode, then move onto this episode. Great stuff on doctors, patients, the role of government, insurance, and even some history on how we got into this mess. Very informative.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Spare Some Change?

Change. Hope. Great ideas for a Presidential campaign against an old white guy associated with one of the most evil administrations our country has ever seen. But, uh, where is all this "change" we were promised. Still fighting two wars, and considering sending even more troops into Afghanistan, the so-called "Graveyard of Empires". Still upholding all of the provisions in the Patriot Act. Still seeing juvenile Democrat vs. Republican antics on every contentious issue. And now the health care reform issue. Clearly the only reform we are going to see will be that allowed by the big drug and insurance companies. Follow the money and corruption it becomes clear that we will not be seeing a change any time soon. Obama was the lesser of two evils in 2008, and IMHO until we see a viable third party emerge that will continue to be our "choice".

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Grasshopper R.I.P.

I never realized how much Kwai Chang Caine influenced me
as a boy until I saw "Kung Fu" again a couple years ago.
This is a classic lesson from Master Po. Live it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tag It!

I gots my stencils, I gots my cans.  Now I just gotta design my attack on the public canvas.  Whatcha gonna do?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Brave New Oligarchy

Oligarchy is basically when the power of government rests with a small elite segment of society.  I can't help but think that's what we are seeing right here in the U.S.A.  Here is some suggested reading: Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone describes how AIG, Citibank, Goldman-Sachs and friends got us into the financial meltdown we are hearing so much about.  Meanwhile Paul Craig Roberts over at Counterpunch explains how Obama and friends are probably getting it all wrong. IMHO, a healthy dose of socialism is probably in order right about now.  And some convictions.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Samantha Crain

If you aren't hip to her yet, you better get a listen of this lovely singer from Oklahoma and her band the Midnight Shivers.  I searched all over for a free track to share with you but could only come up with an early demo track of relatively low quality.  And I really think the production on The Confiscation EP is a better first listen.  Check Samantha out here. The new album drops April 28th, and I can't wait.  

(Special thanks to my homegirl India for turning me on ;) 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

George Washington

Finally, an accurate history of George Washington and his many talents.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Joaquin Project (or The Phoenix Has Flown)

You may already be aware of this, but if you are not: something strange is going on with Joaquin Phoenix.  I first caught up with this new development in this brilliant actor's career when I saw this vid of him, uh, "performing" in Vegas.  Then there was a fascinating Newsweek interview where he confirmed he is quitting acting for good. To top it all off, he gave a incredible performance on the now infamous Letterman interview last week.  

Of course the media is attributing all of this to either drugs, mental breakdown, a hoax, or some combination of these.  I'm hoping this is all a calculated move to take "acting" to a new level, exposing himself and by extension all of us as the characters that we choose to play.  Whatever he is up to, I suspect it is a subversive piece of genius.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A National Disgrace

I'm no hard-core patriot, but this is just down right disgraceful.  
But also very funny.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Was Today A Good Day?

If you are down with Ice Cube, here is a great way to evaluate your day.  If you are a hater, please go away. Thanks again Ropeadope!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Resistance Is Futile

When will this all stop?!  I am avoiding the news again because I am tired of seeing dead children in the arms of their wailing parents. If I look far enough into the future I want to believe I see a world without this.  But will it take this in order to get that?  Its starting to look that way.  

Please be good to each other.  Not so you can avoid some fantasy place where its always really hot after you die, but because its the right thing to do.