Oligarchy is basically when the power of government rests with a small elite segment of society. I can't help but think that's what we are seeing right here in the U.S.A. Here is some suggested reading: Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone describes how AIG, Citibank, Goldman-Sachs and friends got us into the financial meltdown we are hearing so much about. Meanwhile Paul Craig Roberts over at Counterpunch explains how Obama and friends are probably getting it all wrong. IMHO, a healthy dose of socialism is probably in order right about now. And some convictions.
If you aren't hip to her yet, you better get a listen of this lovely singer from Oklahoma and her band the Midnight Shivers. I searched all over for a free track to share with you but could only come up with an early demo track of relatively low quality. And I really think the production on The Confiscation EP is a better first listen. Check Samantha out here. The new album drops April 28th, and I can't wait.
(Special thanks to my homegirl India for turning me on ;)